
Electronics: Operational Excellence, Business Transformation

Turning Around Loss-Making Manufacturing set-up

A diversified group offering integrated EMS solutions to Indian electronic products and consumer durable industry. One of their manufacturing divisions producing electronic components was perpetually loss-making since its inception. We undertook a one-year assignment to revive and transform operations into profitable venture. Within 6 months plant achieved break-even and subsequently perpetual profitability.

Business Challenge: 

Un-able to identify problem-areas to revive operations and dilemma to continue or close operations.

Our Approach: 

Our approach was to conduct operational audit to identify problems & evaluate product-mix and pricings

We analysed following problem areas  

  • Under-utilization of installed capacity 
  • Balancing of Equipment’s for optimisation
  • Manpower to turnover ratio needed attention and 
  • Wrong product pricing 

Our Recommendation

We Advised and Accomplished the following

  • Ramp-up business to optimally utilise plant capacity
  • Purchase of equipment’s to optimise operations
  • Re-allocation and reduction of man-power for better efficiencies and cost reduction
  • Helped negotiate and revise product-pricings with client’s customers


A detailed data-driven assessment helped the Board achieve a clear and un-boased perspective of addressable opportunity and key success factors to enter and expand into the proposed business.